The Best Day of My Life: The First Time I Took LSD

James Archer
10 min readMar 28, 2019

Growing up, I thought LSD was some pill that produced kaleidoscope-like visuals for smelly stoners in the 60s. Throughout school we we’re told that drugs are bad, and I took their word for it.

Surely South Park wouldn’t lie to me.

Then I read Waking Up: A Guide to Spirituality Without Religion by Sam Harris.

In the book, neuroscientist and moral philosopher, Sam Harris attempts to answer the following question:

“Is there a form of happiness beyond the mere repetition of pleasure and avoidance of pain? Is there a happiness that does not depend upon having one’s favorite foods available, or friends and loved ones within arm’s reach, or good books to read, or something to look forward to on the weekend? Is it possible to be happy before anything happens, before one’s desires are gratified, in spite of life’s difficulties, in the very midst of physical pain, old age, disease, and death?”

I would guess that this is a question that we all struggle with in our own way.

Most of us conclude that there isn’t anything in this life outside of maximizing pleasure and minimizing pain at all costs — or at least we live our lives as such.

But I would guess that somewhere within us is a nagging feeling that there must be more. There must be something beyond the ultimately unsatisfying…

